The Power Of Doing Nothing

We need more less than more of more. We are over-worked, over-whelmed and over-anxious. We are over-clocked and often anyways helplessly behind. Productively doing nothing is the key to resilience, serenity and creativity.



    Awareness is the first step to counteract a hurried life. Focusing on the over-looked and underestimated phases of inactivity will dramatically increase your creativity. Attention will quickly show the benefits of doing nothing. Reasons why: Brain science, life sciences and business theory show it.

  • TIME


    Making time for doing nothing is a challenge...but: the rest of work becomes more productive with consciously committing time-slots for lifting the pressure and allowing idleness. You need time to for thinking, getting inspirations and finding solutions!



    You can do nothing anywhere, but find a place where it works best for you. Whether watching the clouds, or admiring the waves or taking a walk – do it aimlessly and consciously give space for doing nothing. This will instantly recharge your batteries and enable the experience of profound relief, calmness and peace!

what we do

We ask for a loan of 1 Billion € which will get invested in stipends for the overworked and overwhelmed, creatives or those in need for a creative boost. In providing 3 months of space for serenity we aim to bring 10.000 people per year to Iceland!

Who we are

We are nuts. We are experienced loafers. We are also businessmen. A neuroscientist and a leadership-catalyst are enabling what our world under pressure is desperately needing: more doing nothing.

  • Norbert Trompeter


    Relax! Take it easy.

    Norbert TrompeterCatalyst

    An health scientist, leadership- & innovation-coach. A professional catalyst who researches hands-on processes of personal development and creativity and loves fishing extraordinary humans.

  • You


    to allow yourself!


    Your courage to do more nothing is our success. Your augmentation of space, time and focus is our reward. Your ideas, your change in life through doing nothing is your contribution to the project and the world around you! Join us to help us organise or just make it happen in your own life!

  • Herwig Kopp


    East Asia and choices

    Herwig KoppMind-Developer

    Former brain researcher & new media artist – now speaker & narrative interaction designer producing games. Connecting the what and the how with the why of Doing Nothing, creating Experience Design and challenges.

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Wanna help us?

We are no heroes. We want to move people. And money. Wanna enable more doing nothing? Get in touch. Wanna provide ressources? Same. You have ideas? Be our guest!